

What are the hours of operation?

Our New York Showroom is open from 9:00 - 5:00 Monday through Friday and our corporate office is open from 8:30 - 4:30 Monday through Friday.
How do I make an appointment with one of your salespeople in the New York Showroom?

To make an appointment, click on the Contact Us icon at the bottom of the page and send an e-mail OR call our New York Showroom directly at 212-354-1700.
What is the minimum I can order?

The minimum order is one case pack. This is generally one or two dozen.
Can I order private label?

To get specific information on how to order private label, click on the Contact Us icon at the bottom of the page and send an e-mail OR call our New York Showroom directly at 212-354-1700.
What are the size ranges of your merchandise?

Sizes vary by style, but typically the scale is small, medium & large.
What is the quantity in your case packs?

Quantity varies by style, but the packs are usually one or two dozen.
When can I expect delivery?

If the goods are in stock and available, your order can be shipped within 24-48 hours. For any goods that are on order or in transit, please ask one of our sales specialists for specific ETA.
Where are the goods shipped from?

Goods are shipped from our Bensalem, PA warehouse.
What are the acceptable forms of payment?

We accept payment via check or credit card (Visa, American Express & Mastercard).
What are the terms of payment?

Terms are Net 30 upon credit approval.

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